Fish oil for dogs – how does it help?
How to make sure you're getting the most from YuMOVE
Your YuMOVE Subscription Benefits

Your YuMOVE Subscription Benefits

What is a YuMOVE Subscription?

A YuMOVE Subscription has been designed to make ordering your dog’s YuMOVE as easy and flexible as possible.

Subscribing to YuMOVE is the easiest, most flexible and cost-effective way to ensure your dog never runs out of it’s favourite supplement. Not only this but by becoming a subscription customer you will be entitled to exclusive benefits such as:

30% off every order and free delivery

When you subscribe to YuMOVE, you save 30% on every single order plus free delivery!

Stop, pause, or cancel anytime

You’re in complete control of your YuMOVE subscription including when you receive it as well as when you start and stop you subscription. And if you wanted to press pause for a while, then that’s fine too!


As pet owners, we want to help give our canine companions the support their joints need so they can continue to live healthier and happier lives for longer. Our YuMOVE has been specially formulated with Active Ease Green Lipped Muscle, Glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid and more to actively aid stiff joints, help mobility, and support joint structure. YuMOVE has helped over 1.9 million dogs and continues to change our pets lives every day!